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1 Baishakhi Ghosh, Akshay H Gaike , Kanchan Pyasi , Bill Brashier , Vandana V Das , Jyoti D Londhe , Sanjay Juvekar , Yogesh S Shouche , Louise E Donnelly , Sundeep S Salvi , and Peter J Barnes. "Bacterial load and defective monocyte-derived macrophage bacterial phagocytosis in biomass smoke-related COPD." European Respiratory Journal 53, no. 2 (2019): 0-0.
2 Bill Brashier, Nitin Vanjare , Jyoti Londhe , Sapna Madas , Sanjay Juvekar , Sundeep Salvi , and Peter Barnes. "Comparison of airway cellular and mediator profiles between tobacco smoke-induced COPD and biomass fuel exposure-induced COPD in an Indian population." European Respiratory Journal 38, no. Suppl 55 (2011): 0-0.
3 Bill Brashier, Nitin Vanjare , Vandana Vincent , Jyoti Londhe , Sapna Madas , Sanjay Juvekar , Peter Barnes , and Sundeep Salvi. "Lung function differences between subjects with tobacco smoke-induced COPD (TS-COPD) and biomass smoke-induced COPD (BS-COPD) in an Indian population." European Respiratory Journal 38, no. Suppl 55 (2011): 0-0.
4 Dhiraj Agarwal, Dhiraj Dhotre , Bill Brashier , Yogesh Shouche , Sanjay Juvekar , and Sundeep Salvi. "Oral and nasal microbiota in healthy, tobacco smoke COPD (TSCOPD) and biomass smoke COPD (BMSCOPD) subjects from India." European Respiratory Journal 48, no. suppl 60 (2016): 0-0.
5 Dhiraj M Agarwal, Dhiraj P Dhotre , Shreyas V Kumbhare , Akshay H Gaike , Bill B Brashier , Yogesh S Shouche , Sanjay K Juvekar , and Sundeep S Salvi. "Disruptions in oral and nasal microbiota in biomass and tobacco smoke associated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease." Archives of Microbiology (2021).
6 Jyoti Londhe, Bill Brashier , Neha Iyer , Sapna Madas , Sanjay Juvekar , Sundeep Salvi , and Peter Barnes. "Comparison of quality of life in smoking and non-smoking COPD patients in India using St. George's respiratory questionnaire and COPD assessment test." European Respiratory Journal 42, no. Suppl 57 (2013): 0-0.
7 Jyoti Londhe, Bill Brashier , Vandana Das , Kanchan Pyasi , Sapna Madas , Sanjay Juvekar , Sundeep Salvi , and Peter Barnes. "Changes in quality of life as assessed by St. Georges respiratory questionnaire (SGRQ) and COPD assessment test (CAT) and spirometric indices in patients with smoker-COPD(S-COPD) and non-smoker-COPD(NS-COPD) after 1 year of follow up." European Respiratory Journal 44, no. Suppl 58 (2014): 0-0.
8 Rebecca Holloway, Tankut Guney , Bill Brashier , Sundeep Salvi , Sanjay Juvekar , Peter Barnes , and Lousie Donnelly. "Biomass smoke particles induce cytokines and reduce phagocytosis by monocyte-derived macrophages." European Respiratory Journal (2014).
9 Rebecca Holloway, Tankut Guney , Gurpreet Sehra , Andrew Rogers , Fiona Larner , Alex Halliday , Bill Brashier , Sundeep Salvi , Sanjay Juvekar , Peter Barnes , and Louise Donnelly. "Characterisation of biomass particulates from rural India." European Respiratory Journal 44, no. Suppl 58 (2014): 0-0.
10 Sundeep Salvi, Bill B Brashier , Jyoti Londhe , Kanchan Pyasi , Vandana Vincent , Shilpa S Kajale , Sajid Tambe , Kuldeep Mandani , Arjun Nair , Sze Mun Mak , Sapna Madas , Sanjay Juvekar , Louise E Donnelly , and Peter J Barnes. "Phenotypic comparison between smoking and non-smoking chronic obstructive pulmonary disease." Respiratory research 21, no. 1 (2020): 50.
11 Sundeep Salvi, Sanjay Juvekar , Jyoti Londhe , Bill Brashier , Sapna Madas , and Peter Barnes. "Prevalence of COPD in a rural population in India." European Respiratory Journal 38, no. Suppl 55 (2011): 0-0.
12 Veena Muralidharan, Sundeep Salvi , Jyoti Londhe , Somnath Sambhudas , Vijendra Ingole , Bill Brashier , Peter Barnes , Malcolm Green , and Sanjay Juvekar. "Use of geographical information system (GIS) in prevalence studies." European Respiratory Journal 44, no. Suppl 58 (2014): 0-0.
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