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1 Francesc Xavier Gomez-Olive, Julia Schröders , Isabella Aboderin , Peter Byass , Somnath Chatterji , Justine I Davies , Cornelius Debpuur , Siddhivinayak Hirve , Abraham Hodgson , Sanjay Juvekar , Kathleen Kahn , Paul Kowal , Rose Nathan , Nawi Ng , Abdur Razzaque , Osman Sankoh , Peter K Streatfield , Stephen M Tollman , Siswanto A Wilopo , and Miles D Witham. "Variations in disability and quality of life with age and sex between eight lower income and middle-income countries: data from the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration." BMJ global health 2, no. 4 (2017): 0-0.
2 Mandeep S. Chadha, Siddhivinayak Hirve , Fatimah S. Dawood , Pallavi Lele , Avinash Deoshatwar , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Kathryn E. LaFond , Joshua A. Mott , Renu B. Lal , and Akhilesh C. Mishra. "Burden of Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza-Associated Hospitalization during and after 2009 A(H1N1)pdm09 Pandemic in a Rural Community in India." (2013).
3 Siddhivinayak Hirve, Ashish Bavdekar , Sanjay Juvekar , Dhiraj Agarwal , Prajakt Barde , Somnath Mangrule , Moreshwar Patwardhan , Anand Pandit , and Prasad S Kulkarni. "A comparative study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of two lots of Haemophilus influenzae type-B conjugate vaccine manufactured at different scales." Vaccine 29, no. 33 (2011): 5363-5367.
4 Siddhivinayak Hirve, Emese Verdes , Pallavi Lele , Sanjay Juvekar , Yulia Blomstedt , Steve Tollman , Stig Wall , Somnath Chatterji , and Nawi Ng. "Evaluating reporting heterogeneity in self-rated health among adults aged 50 years and above in India: an anchoring vignettes analytic approach." Journal of aging and health 26, no. 6 (2014): 0-0.
5 Siddhivinayak Hirve, Johan HL Oud , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Yulia Blomstedt , Stephen Tollman , Stig Wall , and Nawi Ng. "Unpacking self-rated health and quality of life in older adults and elderly in India: a structural equation modelling approach." Social indicators research 117, no. 1 (2014): 105-119.
6 Siddhivinayak Hirve, Johan L. H Oud , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Yulia Blomstedt , Stephen Tollman , Stig Wall , and Nawi Ng. "Unpacking Self-Rated Health and Quality of Life in Older Adults and Elderly in India: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach." Journal Article - Social Indicators Research (2013).
7 Siddhivinayak Hirve, Mandeep Chadha , Pallavi Lele , Kathryn E Lafond , Avinash Deoshatwar , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Anthony Mounts , Fatimah Dawood , Renu Lal , and Akhilesh Mishra. "Performance of case definitions used for influenza surveillance among hospitalized patients in a rural area of India." (2012).
8 Siddhivinayak Hirve, Mandeep Chadha , Pallavi Lele , Kathryn E Lafond , Avinash Deoshatwar , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Anthony Mounts , Fatimah Dawood , Renu Lal , and Akhilesh Mishra. "Performance of case definitions used for influenza surveillance among hospitalized patients in a rural area of India." Bull World Health Organ (2012).
9 Siddhivinayak Hirve, Mandeep Chadha , Pallavi Lele , Kathryn E Lafond , Avinash Deoshatwar , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Anthony Mounts , Fatimah Dawood , Renu Lal , and Akhilesh Mishra. "Democratic Republic of the Congo." Bulletin of the World Health Organization (2012).
10 Siddhivinayak Hirve, Penelope Vounatsou , Sanjay Juvekar , Yulia Blomstedt , Stig Wall , Somnath Chatterji , and Nawi Ng. "Self-rated health: Small area large area comparisons amongst older adults at the state, district and sub-district level in India." Health & place (2014).
11 Siddhivinayak Hirve, Sanjay Juvekar , Somnath Sambhudas , Pallavi Lele , Yulia Blomstedt , Stig Wall , Lisa Berkman , Steve Tollman , and Nawi Ng. "Does self-rated health predict death in adults aged 50 years and above in India? Evidence from a rural population under health and demographic surveillance." (2012).
12 Utkarsh Mukkannawar, Somanath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Ajay Ojha , and Sundeep Salvi. "Indoor PM2. 5 levels in homes using different types of cooking fuels in a rural Indian population and it's association with COPD." European Respiratory Journal 38, no. Suppl 55 (2011): 0-0.
13 Veena Muralidharan, Sundeep Salvi , Jyoti Londhe , Somnath Sambhudas , Vijendra Ingole , Bill Brashier , Peter Barnes , Malcolm Green , and Sanjay Juvekar. "Use of geographical information system (GIS) in prevalence studies." European Respiratory Journal 44, no. Suppl 58 (2014): 0-0.
14 Veena Muralidharan, Sundeep Salvi , Jyoti Londhe , Somnath Sambhudas , Vijendra Ingole , Peter Barnes , and Sanjay Juvekar. "Spatial distribution of COPD in a rural population in India using geographic information system (GIS)." European Respiratory Journal 38, no. Suppl 55 (2011): 0-0.
15 Vijendra Ingole, Sanjay Juvekar , Veena Muralidharan , Somnath Sambhudas , and Joacim Rocklöv. "The short-term association of temperature and rainfall with mortality in Vadu Health and Demographic Surveillance System: a population level time series analysis." Global health action 5, no. 1 (2012): 19118-0.
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