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Osman Sankoh, Abraham J Herbst , Sanjay Juvekar , Stephen Tollman , Peter Byass , and Marcel Tanner.
INDEPTH launches a data repository and INDEPTHStats
Lancet Glob Health . (2013).
Osman Sankoh, Mamusu Kamanda , David Mbulumi , Peter Sifuna , Hoang Van Minh , Sanjay Juvekar , Anna Mia Ekström , Cheryl Moyer , and Robert Newton.
Knowledge Generation for Better Health: Contribution of the INDEPTH Network of HDSS Field Sites
International Journal for Population, Development and Reproductive Health (2017).
Osman Sankoh, and on behalf of the INDEPTH Network and partners.
Why population-based data are crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
International Journal of Epidemiology 46, no. 1 (2017): 0-0.
P Kim Streatfield, Wasif A Khan , Abbas Bhuiya , Nurul Alam , Ali Sié , Abdramane B Soura , Bassirou Bonfoh , Eliezer K Ngoran , Berhe Weldearegawi , Momodou Jasseh , Abraham Oduro , Margaret Gyapong , Shashi Kant , Sanjay Juvekar , Siswanto Wilopo , Thomas N Williams , Frank O Odhiambo , Donatien Beguy , Alex Ezeh , Catherine Kyobutungi , Amelia Crampin , Valérie Delaunay , Stephen M Tollman , Kobus Herbst , Nguyen TK Chuc , Osman A Sankoh , Marcel Tanner , and Peter Byass.
Cause-specific mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites
Global health action 7, no. 1 (2014): 25362.
P Kim Streatfield, Wasif A Khan , Abbas Bhuiya , Syed Hanifi , Nurul Alam , Eric Diboulo , Ali Sie , Maurice Ye , Yacouba Compaore , Abdramane B Soura , Bassirou Bonfoh , Fabienne Jaeger , Eliezer K Ngoran , Juerg Utzinger , Yohannes A Melaku , Afework Mulugeta , Berhe Weldearegawi , Pierre Gomez , Momodou Jasseh , Abraham Hodgson , Abraham Oduro , Paul Welaga , John Williams , Elizabeth Awini , Fred N Binka , Margaret Gyapong , Shashi Kant , Puneet Misra , Rahul Srivastava , Bharat Chaudhary , Sanjay Juvekar , Abdul Wahab , Siswanto Wilopo , Evasius Bauni , George Mochamah , Carolyne Ndila , Thomas N Williams , Meghna Desai , Mary J Hamel , Kim A Lindblade , Frank O Odhiambo , Laurence Slutsker , Alex Ezeh , Catherine Kyobutungi , Marylene Wamukoya , Valerie Delaunay , Aldiouma Diallo , Laetitia Douillot , Cheikh Sokhna , F Xavier Gomez-Olive , Chodziwadziwa W Kabudula , Paul Mee , Kobus Herbst , Joel Mossong , Nguyen TK Chuc , Samuelina S Arthur , Osman A Sankoh , Marcel Tanner , and Peter Byass.
Malaria mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites
Glob Health Action (2015).
P Kim Streatfield, Wasif A Khan , Abbas Bhuiya , Syed MA Hanifi , Nurul Alam , Eric Diboulo , Louis Niamba , Ali Sié , Bruno Lankoandé , Roch Millogo , Abdramane B Soura , Bassirou Bonfoh , Siaka Kone , Eliezer K Ngoran , Juerg Utzinger , Yemane Ashebir , Yohannes A Melaku , Berhe Weldearegawi , Pierre Gomez , Momodou Jasseh , Daniel Azongo , Abraham Oduro , George Wak , Peter Wontuo , Mary Attaa-Pomaa , Margaret Gyapong , Alfred K Manyeh , Shashi Kant , Puneet Misra , Sanjay K Rai , Sanjay Juvekar , Rutuja Patil , Abdul Wahab , Siswanto Wilopo , Evasius Bauni , George Mochamah , Carolyne Ndila , Thomas N Williams , Christine Khaggayi , Amek Nyaguara , David Obor , Frank O Odhiambo , Alex Ezeh , Samuel Oti , Marylene Wamukoya , Menard Chihana , Amelia Crampin , Mark A Collinson , Chodziwadziwa W Kabudula, , Ryan Wagner , Kobus Herbst , Joël Mossong , Jacques BO Emina , Osman A Sankoh , and Peter Byass.
Mortality from external causes in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System Sites
Global health action 7, no. 1 (2014): 25366.
P Kim Streatfield, Wasif A Khan , Abbas Bhuiya , Syed MA Hanifi , Nurul Alam , Ourohire Millogo , Ali Sie , Pascal Zabré , Clementine Rossier , Abdramane B Soura , Bassirou Bonfoh , Siaka Kone , Eliezer K Ngoran , juerg Utzinger , Semaw F Abera , Yohannes A Melaku , Berhe Weldearegawi , Pierre Gomez , Momodou Jasseh , Patrick Ansah , Daniel Azongo , Felix Kondayire , Abraham Oduro , Alberta Amu , Margaret Gyapong , Odette Kwarteng , Shashi Kant , Chandrakant S Pandav , Sanjay K Rai , Sanjay Juvekar , Veena Muralidharan , Abdul Wahab , Siswanto Wilopo , Evasius Bauni , George Mochamah , Carolyne Ndila , Thomas N Williams , Sammy Khagayi , Kayla F Laserson , Amek Nyaguara , Anna M Van Eijk , Alex Ezeh , Catherine Kyobutungi, , Marylene Wamukoya , Menard Chihana , Amelia Crampin , Alison Price , Valérie Delaunay , Aldiouma Diallo , Laetitia Douillot , Cheikh Sokhna , F Xavier Gómez-Olivé , Paul Mee , Stephen M Tollman , Kobus Herbst , Joël Mossong , Nguyen TK Chuc , Samuelina S Arthur , Osman A Sankoh , and Peter Byass.
HIV/AIDS-related mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites
Global health action 7, no. 1 (2014): 25370.
P. Grady Dixon, Michael Allen , Simon N. Gosling , David M. Hondula , Vijendra Ingole , Rebekah Lucas , and Jennifer Vanos.
Perspectives on the Synoptic Climate Classification and its Role in Interdisciplinary Research
Paul E M Fine, Thomas N Williams , Peter Aaby , Karin Källander , Lawrence H Moulton , Katie L Flanagan , Peter G Smith , Christine S Benn , and Working Group on Non-specific Effects of Vaccines.
Epidemiological studies of the 'non-specific effects' of vaccines: I--data collection in observational studies
Trop Med Int Health (2009).
Paul Kowal, Kathleen Kahn , Nawi Ng , Nirmala Naidoo , Salim Abdullah , Ayaga Bawah , Fred Binka , Nguyen T K Chuc , Cornelius Debpuur , Alex Ezeh , F Xavier Gómez-Olivé , Mohammad Hakimi , Siddhivinayak Hirve , Abraham Hodgson , Sanjay Juvekar , Catherine Kyobutungi , Jane Menken , Hoang Van Minh , Mathew A Mwanyangala , Abdur Razzaque , Osman Sankoh , P Kim Streatfield , Stig Wall , Siswanto Wilopo , Peter Byass , Somnath Chatterji , and Stephen M Tollman.
Ageing and adult health status in eight lower-income countries: the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration
Global Health Action Supplement 3, no. 1 (2010): 0-0.
Peter Burney, Jaymini Patel , Cosetta Minelli , Louisa Gnatiuc , André FS Amaral , Ali Kocabaş , Hamid Hacene Cherkaski , Amund Gulsvik , Rune Nielsen , Eric Bateman , Anamika Jithoo , Kevin Mortimer , Talant M Sooronbaev , Hervé Lawin , Chakib Nejjari , Mohammed Elbiaze , Karima El Rhazi, , Jin-Ping Zheng , Pixin Ran , Tobias Welte , Daniel Obaseki , Gregory Erhabor , Asma Elsony , Nada Bakri Osman , Rana Ahmed , ENizankowska-Mogilnicka , Filip Mejza , David M Mannino , Cristina Bárbara , Emiel FM Wouters , Luisito F Idolor , Li-Cher Loh , Abdul Rashid , Sanjay Juvekar , Thorarinn Gislason , Mohamed Al Ghobain , Michael Studnicka , Imed Harrabi , Meriam Denguezli , Parvaiz A Koul , Christine Jenkins , Guy Marks , Rain Jõgi , Hasan Hafizi , Christer Janson , Wan C Tan , Althea Aquart-Stewart , Bertrand Mbatchou , Asaad Nafees , Kirthi Gunasekera , Terry Seemungal , Mahesh Padukudru Anand , Paul Enright , William M Vollmer , Marta Blangiardo , Fadlalla G Elfadaly , and A Sonia Buist.
Prevalence and population attributable risk for chronic airflow obstruction in a large multinational study
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine , no. ja (2020).
Peter Kim Streatfield, Wasif A Khan , Abbas Bhuiya , Syed MA Hanifi , Nurul Alam , Cheik H Bagagnan , Ali Sie , Pascal Zabré , Bruno Lankoandé , Clementine Rossier , Abdramane B Soura , Bassirou Bonfoh , Siaka Kone , Eliezer K Ngoran , Juerg Utzinger , Fisaha Haile , Yohannes A Melaku , Berhe Weldearegawi , Pierre Gomez , Momodou Jasseh , Patrick Ansah , Cornelius Debpuur , Abraham Oduro , George Wak , Alexander Adjei , Margaret Gyapong , Doris Sarpong , Shashi Kant , Puneet Misra , Sanjay K Rai , Sanjay Juvekar , Pallavi Lele , Evasius Bauni , George Mochamah , Carolyne Ndila , Thomas N Williams , Kayla F Laserson , Amek Nyaguara , Frank O Odhiambo , Penelope Phillips-Howard , Alex Ezeh , Catherine Kyobutungi , Samuel Oti , Amelia Crampin , Moffat Nyirenda , Alison Price , Valérie Delaunay , Aldiouma Diallo , Laetitia Douillot , Cheikh Sokhna , F Xavier Gómez-Olivé , Kathleen Kahn , Stephen M Tollman , Kobus Herbst , joël Mossong , Nguyen TK Chuc , Martin Bangha , Osman A Sankoh, , and Peter Byass.
Adult non-communicable disease mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites
Global health action 7, no. 1 (2014): 0-0.
Peter Steinmann, Martin W Bratschi , Pallavi Lele , Uddhavi Chavan , Neisha Sundaram , Mitchell G Weiss , Sanjay Juvekar , and Siddhivinayak Hirve.
Availability and satisfactoriness of latrines and hand washing stations in health facilities, and role in health seeking behavior of women: evidence from rural Pune district, India
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Developmen 5, no. 3 (2019): 474-482.
Peter Steinmann, Martin W. Bratschi , Martin W. Bratschi , Uddhavi Chavan , Neisha Sundaram , Mitchell G. Weiss , Sanjay Juvekar , and Siddhivinayak Hirve.
Availability and satisfactoriness of latrines and hand washing stations in health facilities, and role in health seeking behavior of women: evidence from rural Pune district, India
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (2015).
Pradeep Tiwari, Rintu Kutum , Tavpritesh Sethi , Ankita Shrivastava , Bhushan Girase , Shilpi Aggarwal , Rutuja Patil , Dhiraj Agarwal , Pramod Gautam , Anurag Agrawal , Debasis Dash , Saurabh Ghosh , Sanjay Juvekar , Mitali Mukerji , and Bhavana Prasher.
Recapitulation of Ayurveda constitution types by machine learning of phenotypic traits
PloS one 12, no. 10 (2017): e0185380-0.
Prasad S Kulkarni, Sajjad Desai , Tushar Tewari , Anand Kawade , Nidhi Goyal , Bishan Swarup Garg , Dinesh Kumar , Suman Kanungo , Veena Kamat , Gagandeep Kang , Ashish Bavdekar , Sudhir Babji , Sanjay Juvekar , Byomkesh Manna , Shanta Dutta , Rama Angurana , Deepika Dewan , and Abhijeet Dharmadhikari.
A randomized Phase III clinical trial to assess the efficacy of a bovine-human reassortant pentavalent rotavirus vaccine in Indian infants
Vaccine 35, no. 45 (2017): 6228-6237.
R J Pratt, C M Pellowe , S K Juvekar , N S Potdar , A J Weston , A Joykutty , N Robinson , and H P Loveday.
Kaleidoscope: a 5-year action research project to develop nursing confidence in caring for patients with HIV disease in west India
International Nursing Review 48, no. 3 (2001): 73-164.
Rebecca Holloway, Tankut Guney , Bill Brashier , Sundeep Salvi , Sanjay Juvekar , Peter Barnes , and Lousie Donnelly.
Biomass smoke particles induce cytokines and reduce phagocytosis by monocyte-derived macrophages
European Respiratory Journal (2014).
Rebecca Holloway, Tankut Guney , Gurpreet Sehra , Andrew Rogers , Fiona Larner , Alex Halliday , Bill Brashier , Sundeep Salvi , Sanjay Juvekar , Peter Barnes , and Louise Donnelly.
Characterisation of biomass particulates from rural India
European Respiratory Journal 44, no. Suppl 58 (2014): 0-0.
Reginald Quansah, Caroline A Ochieng , Sean Semple , Sanjar Juvekar , Jacques Emina , Frederick Ato Armah , and Isaac Luginaah.
Effectiveness of interventions to reduce indoor air pollution and/or improve health in homes using solid fuel in lower and middle income countries: protocol for a systematic review
BMC 4, no. 22 (2015): 0-0.
Reginald Quansah, Sean Semple , Caroline A. Ochieng , Sanjar Juvekar , Frederick Ato Armah , Isaac Luginaah , and Jacques Emina.
Effectiveness of interventions to reduce household air pollution and/or improve health in homes using solid fuel in low-and-middle income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Environment International (2017).
Rune Grønseth, Marta Erdal , Wan C Tan , Daniel O Obaseki , Andre FS Amaral , Thorarinn Gislason , Sanjay Juvekar , Parvaiz A Koul , Michael Studnicka , Sundeep Salvi , Peter Burney , A Sonia Buist , William M Vollmer , and Ane Johannessen.
Unemployment in chronic airflow obstruction around the world: results from the BOLD study
European Respiratory Journal 50, no. 3 (2017): 0-0.
Rune Grønseth, Marta Erdal , Wan C Tan , Thorarinn Gislason , Sanjay K Juvekar , Sundeep Salvi , Parvaiz A Koul , Hasan Hafizi , William M Vollmer , Michael Studnicka , Daniel Obaseki , A Sonia Buist , and Ane Johannessen.
Productivity loss in COPD: Results from the BOLD study
European Respiratory Journal 46, no. suppl 59 (2015): 0-0.
Rune Grønseth, Marta Erdal , Wan C Tan , Thorarinn Gislason , Sanjay K Juvekar , Sundeep Salvi , Parvaiz A Koul , Hasan Hafizi , William M Vollmer , Michael Studnicka , Daniel Obaseki , A Sonia Buist , and Ane Johannessen.
Unemployment in COPD: Results from the BOLD study
European Respiratory Journal 46, no. suppl 59 (2015): 0-0.
Rutuja Patil.
A joyful homecoming
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 6, no. 12 (2018): 0-0.
Rutuja Patil, Dhiraj Agarwal , Harshpreet Kaur , Mukta Gadgil , Tracy Jackson , Genevie Fernandes , Sanjay Juvekar , and on behalf of RESPIRE.
Engaging with stakeholders for community-based health research in India: Lessons learnt, challenges and opportunities
Journal of Global Health (2021).
Rutuja Patil, Rahul Shrivastava , Sanjay Juvekar , Brian McKinstry , and Karen Fairhurst.
Specialist to non-specialist teleconsultations in chronic respiratory disease management: A systematic review
Journal of Global Health (2021).
Rutuja Patil, Sudipto Roy , Manisha Gore , Makrand Ghorpade , Ajay Pillarisetti , Joy Chakma , and Sanjay Juvekar.
Barriers to and facilitators of uptake and sustained use of LPG through the PMUY in tribal communities of Pune district
Energy for Sustainable Development (2021).
Rutuja Patil, Sudipto Roy , and Sanjay Juvekar.
Public-Private Partnership for Providing Quality Health-Care Services in India-Vadu Rural Health Program Experience
Asian Man (The)-An International Journal 10, no. 2 (2016): 216-221.
Rutuja Patil, Sudipto Roy , Vijendra Ingole , Tathagata Bhattacharjee , Bharat Chaudhary , Pallavi Lele , Siddhivinayak Hirve , and Sanjay Juvekar.
Vadu Health and Demographic Surveillance System Pune, India
Journal of global health 9, no. 1 (2019).
S G Rangan, S K Juvekar , S B Rasalpurkar , S N Morankar , A N Joshi , and J D H Porter.
Tuberculosis control in rural India: lessons from public-private collaboration
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 8, no. 5 (2004): 9-552.
S Hirve, and B Ganatra.
A prospective cohort study on the survival experience of under five children in rural western India
Indian Pediatrics 34, no. 11 (1997): 995-1001.
Sajjad Desai, Niraj Rathi , Anand Kawade , Padmasani Venkatramanan , Ritabrata Kundu , Sanjay K Lalwani , AP Dubey , J Venkateswara Rao , D Narayanappa , Radha Ghildiyal , P Venugopal , Sonali Palkar , Renuka Munshi , Ashish Bavdekar , Sanjay Juvekar , Nupur Ganguly , Prabal Niyogi , Kheya Ghosh Uttam , Alpana Kondekar , Dipti Kumbhar , Smilu Mohanlal , Mukesh C Agarwal , Parvan Shetty , Kalpana Antony , Bhagwat Gunale , Abhijeet Dharmadhikari , Jagdish Deshpande , Uma Nalavade , Deepa Sharma , Anurag Bansal , Yuxiao Tang , Jorge Flores , and Prasad S Kulkarni.
Non-interference of Bovine-Human reassortant pentavalent rotavirus vaccine ROTASIIL® with the immunogenicity of infant vaccines in comparison with a licensed rotavirus vaccine
vaccine 36, no. 37 (2018): 5519-5523.
Sandra Alba, Annick Lenglet , Kristien Verdonck , Johanna Roth , Rutuja Patil , Walter Mendoza , Sanjay Juvekar , and Susan F Rumisha.
Bridging research integrity and global health epidemiology (bridge) guidelines: explanation and elaboration
BMJ Global Health 5, no. 10 (2020): e003237.
Sandra Alba, Kristien Verdonck , Annick Lenglet , Susan F Rumisha , Martijn Wienia , Imre Teunissen , Masja Straetemans , Walter Mendoza , Daniel Jeannetot , Daniel Weibel , Harriet Mayanja-Kizza , and Sanjay Juvekar.
Bridging research integrity and global health epidemiology (BRIDGE) statement: guidelines for good epidemiological practice
BMJ Global Health 5, no. 10 (2020): e003236.
Sharma A, Apte A , Rajappa M , Vaz M , Vaswani V , Goenka S , Malhotra S , Sangoram R , Lakshminarayanan S , Jayaram S , Mathaiyan J , Farseena K , Mukerjee P , Jaswal S , Dongre A , Timms O , Shafiq N , Aggarwal R , Kaur M , Juvekar S , Sekhar A , and Kang G.
Perceptions about controlled human infection model (CHIM) studies among members of ethics committees of Indian medical institutions
Shri Prakash Singh, Siddhivinayak Hirve , M Mamun Huda , Megha Raj Banjara , Narendra Kumar , Dinesh Mondal , Shyam Sundar , Pradeep Das , Chitra Kumar Gurung , Suman Rijal , C P Thakur , Beena Varghese , and Axel Kroeger.
Options for active case detection of visceral leishmaniasis in endemic districts of India, Nepal and Bangladesh, comparing yield, feasibility and costs
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 5, no. 2 (2011): 0-0.
Shrikant Bhute, Pranav Pande , Sudarshan A Shetty , Rahul Shelar , Sachin Mane , Shreyas V Kumbhare , Ashwini Gawali , Hemal Makhani , Mohit Navandar , Dhiraj Dhotre , Himangi Lubree , Dhiraj Agarwal , Rutuja Patil , Shantanu Ozarkar , Saroj Ghaskadbi , Chittaranjan Yajnik , Sanjay Juvekar , Govind K Makharia , and Yogesh S Shouche.
Molecular characterization and meta-analysis of gut microbial communities illustrate enrichment of Prevotella and Megasphaera in Indian subjects
Frontiers in microbiology (2016).
Siddhivinayak Hirve, E Verdes , P Lele , S Juvekar , Yulia Blomstedt , Stephen Tollman , Stig Wall , S Chatterjee , and Nawi Ng.
Evaluating reporting heterogeneity in self-rating health responses amongst adults aged 50 years and above in India: an anchoring vignettes analytic approach
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Andrew Marsh , Pallavi Lele , Uddhavi Chavan , Tathagata Bhattacharjee, , Harish Nair , Harry Campbell , and Sanjay Juvekar.
Concordance between GPS-based smartphone app for continuous location tracking and mother’s recall of care-seeking for child illness in India
Journal of global health 8, no. 2 (2018): 0-0.
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Ashish Bavdekar , Anand Pandit , Sanjay Juvekar , Malini Patil , Marie-Pierre Preziosi , Yuxiao Tang , Elisa Marchetti , Lionel Martellet , Helen Findlow , Cheryl Elie , Varsha Parulekar , Brian Plikaytis , Ray Borrow , George Carlone , Prasad S Kulkarni , Akshay Goel , Karupothula Suresh , Suresh Beri , Subhash Kapre , Suresh Jadhav , Jean-Marie Preaud , Simonetta Viviani , and F Marc LaForce.
Immunogenicity and safety of a new meningococcal A conjugate vaccine in Indian children aged 2–10 years: A Phase II/III double-blind randomized controlled trial
Vaccine 30, no. 45 (2012): 6456-6460.
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Ashish Bavdekar , Sanjay Juvekar , Christine S Benn , Jens Nielsen , and Peter Aaby.
Non-specific and sex-differential effects of vaccinations on child survival in rural western India
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Ashish Bavdekar , Sanjay Juvekar , Dhiraj Agarwal , Prajakt Barde , Somnath Mangrule , Moreshwar Patwardhan , Anand Pandit , and Prasad S Kulkarni.
A comparative study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of two lots of Haemophilus influenzae type-B conjugate vaccine manufactured at different scales
Vaccine 29, no. 33 (2011): 5363-5367.
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Elviyanti Martini , Sanjay K Juvekar , Dhiraj Agarwal , Ashish Bavdekar , Mayang Sari , Manjusha Molwane , Sabrina Janes , Nancy Haselow , David L Yeung , and Anand Pandit.
Delivering Sprinkles Plus through the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) to reduce anemia in pre-school children in India
The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 80, no. 12 (2013): 990-995.
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Emese Verdes , Pallavi Lele , Sanjay Juvekar , Yulia Blomstedt , Steve Tollman , Stig Wall , Somnath Chatterji , and Nawi Ng.
Evaluating reporting heterogeneity in self-rated health among adults aged 50 years and above in India: an anchoring vignettes analytic approach
Journal of aging and health 26, no. 6 (2014): 0-0.
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Johan HL Oud , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Yulia Blomstedt , Stephen Tollman , Stig Wall , and Nawi Ng.
Unpacking self-rated health and quality of life in older adults and elderly in India: a structural equation modelling approach
Social indicators research 117, no. 1 (2014): 105-119.
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Johan L. H Oud , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Yulia Blomstedt , Stephen Tollman , Stig Wall , and Nawi Ng.
Unpacking Self-Rated Health and Quality of Life in Older Adults and Elderly in India: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
Journal Article - Social Indicators Research (2013).
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Mandeep Chadha , Pallavi Lele , Kathryn E Lafond , Avinash Deoshatwar , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Anthony Mounts , Fatimah Dawood , Renu Lal , and Akhilesh Mishra.
Performance of case definitions used for influenza surveillance among hospitalized patients in a rural area of India
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Mandeep Chadha , Pallavi Lele , Kathryn E Lafond , Avinash Deoshatwar , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Anthony Mounts , Fatimah Dawood , Renu Lal , and Akhilesh Mishra.
Performance of case definitions used for influenza surveillance among hospitalized patients in a rural area of India
Bull World Health Organ (2012).
Siddhivinayak Hirve, Mandeep Chadha , Pallavi Lele , Kathryn E Lafond , Avinash Deoshatwar , Somnath Sambhudas , Sanjay Juvekar , Anthony Mounts , Fatimah Dawood , Renu Lal , and Akhilesh Mishra.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bulletin of the World Health Organization (2012).
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