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1 Ee Ming Khoo, Nik Sherina Hanafi , Dhiraj Agarwal , Sanjay Juvekar , Osman Yusuf , Mohsin Saeed Khan , Sundeep Salvi , Deesha Ghorpade , Mohammad Shahidul Islam , Rita Isaac , Su May Liew , Norita Hussein , Ahmad Ihsan Abu Bakar , Yong Kek Pang , Karuthan Chinna , Li Ping Wong , Samir K Saha , and Hilary Pinnock. "Challenges in conducting community surveys on chronic respiratory diseases in Low and Middle-Income Countries: the 4CCORD pilot." European Respiratory Journal 56, no. suppl 64 (2020).
2 Dhiraj Agarwal, Deesha Ghorpade , Sundeep Salvi , Nik Sherina Hanafi , Osman Yusuf , Mohsin Saeed Khan , Deepa Das , Biswajit Paul , Rita Isaac , Mohammad Shahidul Islam , Samir Saha , Su May Liew , Norita Hussein , Ahmad Ihsan Abu Bakar , Yong Kek Pang , Karuthan Chinna , Li Ping Wong , Richard Parker , Ee Ming Khoo , Sanjay Juvekar , and Hilary Pinnock. "Estimating Chronic Respiratory Disease (Asthma and COPD) burden in adults in Asian LMICs: a pilot study for 4CCORD [4 Country ChrOnic Respiratory Disease study]." European Respiratory Journal 56, no. suppl 64 (2020).
3 Osman Sankoh, Abraham J Herbst , Sanjay Juvekar , Stephen Tollman , Peter Byass , and Marcel Tanner. "INDEPTH launches a data repository and INDEPTHStats." Lancet Glob Health . (2013).
4 Osman Sankoh, Mamusu Kamanda , David Mbulumi , Peter Sifuna , Hoang Van Minh , Sanjay Juvekar , Anna Mia Ekström , Cheryl Moyer , and Robert Newton. "Knowledge Generation for Better Health: Contribution of the INDEPTH Network of HDSS Field Sites." International Journal for Population, Development and Reproductive Health (2017).
5 Kobus Herbst, Sanjay Juvekar , Tathagata Bhattacharjee , Martin Bangha , Nidhi Patharia , Titus Tei , Brendan Gilbert , and Osman Sankoh. "The INDEPTH Data Repository: an international resource for longitudinal population and health data from Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems." Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 10, no. 3 (2015): 324-333.
6 Osman Sankoh, and on behalf of the INDEPTH Network and partners. "Why population-based data are crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals." International Journal of Epidemiology 46, no. 1 (2017): 0-0.
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