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1 Dhiraj Agarwal, Richard Parker , Sudipto Roy , Hilary Pinnock , Deesha Ghorpade , Sundeep Salvi , Parag Khatavkar , and Sanjay Juvekar. "Development of spirometry predictive values for Western Indian population (NIHR-RESPIRE Study)." European Respiratory Journal 54, no. suppl 63 (2019).
2 Dhiraj Agarwal, Richard Parker , Hilary Pinnock , Sudipto Roy , Deesha Ghorpade , Sundeep Salvi , Parag Khatavkar , Sanjay Juvekar , and RESPIRE collaboration. "Normal spirometry predictive values for the Western Indian adult population." European Respiratory Journal 56, no. 3 (2020).
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